Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Drivers fail retest


A recent survey has shown that half of qualified drivers say they would have problems with at least one part of the driving test should they take a retest, and just over 10% would fail the test completely. Out of the people surveyed parallel parking came out as the manoeuvre most likely to make people nervous, with around a third of women admitting that it causes them problems. When surveying the men, around 9% said they would find it difficult sticking to speed limits and driving at an appropriate speed.
That doesn't make for great reading and I can certainly believe these statistics considering some of the reckless and impatient driving I see on a daily basis whilst out on driving lessons. Driving should be seen as a skill for life, and passing the test is really only the first step to becoming a safe driver. Unfortunately many people choose to drive in whatever way they want once passing the test, discarding correct procedures. Maybe an occasional retest would be a good thing......?

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