Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Automatic or manual - which one is for you?

Recently we started offering automatic driving lessons in Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks at the Jody Thomas Driving School. Not only that but I've also formed the Tunbridge Wells Automatic Driving School to offer specialist automatic tuition. But a lot of people ask me what are the advantages and disadvantages of learning in an automatic car over a manual one, so I've decided to list a few of the key things to consider:

Advantages of learning in an automatic

  • It's quicker and cheaper to learn in. Many of the early problems for someone who's learning in a manual stem from difficulty using the clutch and gears which of course is not a worry in an automatic. On average people learning in an automatic will take 10 hours less than in a manual vehicle.
  • It requires far less effort and can be a safer option. If a person is doing a lot of town driving in a manual car then a lot of clutch work is required, pressing and depressing it along with constant gear changing. This can be a bit of a hassle for the driver. Also, an automatic is a safer option because without having to change gears you can keep two hands on the wheel at all times
Disadvantages of learning in an automatic  

  • Vehicle costs. Automatic cars are generally more expensive to buy as they have a more complicated transmission, therefore costing more to manufacture. A typical car that costs around £12,000 will generally cost £1,000 more in an automatic version.
  • Fuel costs. This can change from car to car but on average a manual car will produce 1 to 3 miles per gallon more than an automatic.
  • Less speed and control. Generally it's possible to get more speed out of a manual transmission and as you are in control of the gears, this filters down to having a greater control over the vehicle.
So there you have it. These are just the main points to consider, but if you dig a little deeper then you'll find all sorts of different types of automatics such as semi-autos and manumatic transmissions, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Remember that we're always available for advice through our websites at and or you can call me personally on 07717805566.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

DSA guide on preparing for the practical test.

Further to an earlier post I made about what to expect on your practical test, I've come across these two videos, made by the DSA, that will help you in preparing for both the theory and practical tests. This is all information that your driving instructor should be giving you but of course sometimes it's a lot to remember so helpfully these videos will come to the rescue!!

Remember click the following  link if you are looking for driving lessons in kent, or if you need help with any aspect of learning to drive. It doesn't matter if you're learning with another driving school, we're always happy to help out if we can!